Thursday, 9 October 2014

You can so too teach an old dog new tricks!

Well hello there!  I'm Xanthe, and I'll be your tour guide for today.  And if you don't remember what we're doing here, well, I'm taking you on a journey of photographic discovery.

Aka, Xanthe is teaching herself to photograph and edit photos.  Sorry to disappoint you, but you won't be finding any pearls of wisdom here.  Well not today anyway, but I won't limit myself regarding the future, cos you just never know what might happen *wink wink*

Ugh.  It's so hard!  But I'm preeeeetty sure my problem is with natural light.  I'm just not getting enough of it, and my photos look dark and flat and lifeless and just generally disappointing.  Even after ridiculous amounts of fiddling with exposure and saturation and contrast and definition and AND AND!!!!

And they still aren't right.  But that's ok.  Kind of.  Actually, that's a blatant lie, because I'd really prefer to get them perfect straight away, without having to learn anything about aperture and ISO and F-stops and G-strings (Bahaha! Just kidding.  G-strings have nothing to do with photography, as far as I know).

I'm determined though.  The ol' dog with a bone has returned.  Which is fairly appropriate considering today's photography subject - a cute little vintage puppy dog embroidery!  I honestly don't know how people can just send little treasures like this to op shops.  I mean, someone put some serious time into this doily!  Not that I mind, because I've become rather attached to this little pooch.

And so has someone else...

I've had this pillow sitting on the chair in our dining room in the first photo, waiting to find the time to photograph it.  Rosie has walked past many times asking, "Mummy, dat my pillow?" and "We put it on my bed please?".  So I had to give up on my expectations of perfection and just take a photo, do what I could with it and give the darn thing to her.  Needless to say, she was quite pleased.  As am I.  This vintage sheet was a fantastic find, and the Briar Rose binding is a perfect, modern match.  I do love a bit of vintage and modern together.  I'm still tossing up whether to add a hand-embroidered WOOF!  to it somewhere...  It was a late night project and since it was already 12am by the time I finished the pillow, the hand-embroidery idea had to be relegated to 'another time', and is very likely to be given up entirely since I'm not normally inclined to return to a project I've deemed as finished.  Too much else to do!


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