Monday 27 October 2014

Mindless Monday - Kiddie Inspiration: Playdough

Mondays aren't manic in our household.  They're a day for rest and recuperation after what is often a busy weekend.

That lip!

We don't usually go out on a Monday.  I prefer to stay at home, do a few odd jobs here and there, and just ease into the coming week.

Those chubby fingers...

And I love it when the kids just play.   It doesn't happen often, or for long, but sometimes they will entertain themselves with a spare mattress pulled out from under a bed, hiding under the covers and pretending to be in a cave.  Or dress-ups might be the order of the day, and I am transformed into a lady's maid, constantly doing up buttons, rolling up sleeves and hitching up skirts that are far too long and cumbersome for wee little legs.

That creativity!

But as is most often the case with a nearly-two-year-old and a three-year-old, I am usually expected to be the source of all things engaging.  And as I cannot believe I'm Robinson Crusoe in situations like this, I thought I'd aim to provide some inspiration for you on Mondays (or whatever day is your R&R day) - for when the brain is fuzzy, the body is tired and thinking up entertaining activites for kidlets to do is certainly not the easiest thing to do.

That hair!

Where I am in Australia, you'll find a tried and true recipe for playdough on the back of a box of Cream of Tartar.  And a little tip, add a bit more oil, and when the kids are finished playing with the playdough, roll it around in a tiny little bit more oil, working it in.  I find this helps keep the playdough moist.  Then wrap it in plastic wrap, chuck it in a container and whack it in the fridge!  All ready for the next time you need some mindless kiddie entertainment.

That attitude!


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